Happy Friday

I feel compelled to write about positivity today. After starting the morning scanning twitter and seeing some pretty awful news posts, I turned to Instagram and started seeing some really nice things on my newsfeed.

Tank Sinatra is an Instagram phenom based on his memeolgy, comedic posts and hilarious content. But he also has a page TanksGoodNews dedicated to nothing but positive news.

After our morning routine of me getting little Addy ready for the day, I was expecting to go back to bed as I was feeling kind of crappy after a restless night of bad sleeping. Kiddo had a meltdown in the middle of the night because I wouldn’t let her follow me into the bathroom. When we woke up, I asked her why she was being a bad girl last night…. and she answered in her pouty voice “because I wanted to be with you”… How do you stay mad at that?

Every Friday morning whenever I end up out the door and onto some errands I start the day off with some Tim Horton’s steeped tea. And every week, no matter how much it is… I always buy the round for the next person behind me in drive thru. I pay, give them a little wave out my window and drive off. I’ve done this consistently since I’ve been off work.

After the mini getaway to Toronto and as I stated last night… I am very thankful for what I have. I need to continue being positive, I need to start doing good things, to do something nice for some random strangers… I feel really good at how far I’ve progressed mentally over the past couple weeks, I am pretty balanced emotionally right now. Letting the rest of my core group of friends know what I’ve been struggling with has been very uplifting. It’s all been 100 percent support from every single one of them, and I love every single one of them for being who they are to me.

I believe if I continue this positivity, then something positive is going to happen sometime soon. I need to let what will become, become.

Fun note. The farmer’s market downtown Windsor starts up this weekend, and our local night market in Lasalle has an event this Sunday evening. I am very much looking forward to spending time with my girls there as I’ve brought Addy to the market since she was a newborn baby, so I am hoping she will have these faint memories of me pulling her in her wagon, carting her around in her stroller, holding her hand while she waddles down Pelissier Street.

Here’s to making good memories this weekend folks.

Much Love.


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